# Forgetting curve The Forgetting curve is a theory that explains the decline of information retention in our memory. Over time, we forget A LOT. The Forgetting curve shows how much we forget over time, when we don't try to reinforce the memories. The graph shows that we tend to forget ~50% of what we learn in a matter of days or weeks, unless if we review the information. ![[Forgetting curve - graph.png]] The speed of forgetting depends on various factors: how difficult the learned material is, how meaningful it is (in general, and for us specifically), how relaxed or stressed we are, whether we have low or high energy, etc. This idea was first explored by [[Hermann Ebbinghaus]], who ran a limited study on himself. ## References - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgetting_curve ## Related - [[Spacing effect]] - [[Spaced repetition]] - [[Learning curve]]