# MoSCoW Method
The MoSCoW method is a way to prioritize tasks, and to easily order those based on their importance.
- **Must**: No choice; this is required
- **Should**: Important, but could be ignored at least for a while. Consequences of pushing it back have to be carefully weighed
- **Could**: Nice to have. Only if there is time and energy to tackle it
- **Won't**: Rejected
Once a backlog of tasks is tagged with this method, it's easy to know what to focus on. Of course, within a category (e.g., Must), there's still a local order to define. That's where [[Task Weights]] can help.
This method is really helpful because it helps acknowledge the fact that not everything is a priority. You may have a gazillion "COULD" tasks, but completing all of those would not have a lot of impact. On the contrary, completing all your "MUST" tasks should have a lot more impact.
Sometimes, tagging tasks as "Won't" is interesting because it helps to remember why we didn't do something. It's useful because circumstances change over time, and a decision we made a while ago might not hold anymore. Sometimes we can revisit previous choices, and make different ones.
## Related
- [[Eisenhower Matrix]]
- [[MoSCoW Method variant for daily todos]]
## References
- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2119
- https://nesslabs.com/moscow-method