# Personal Knowledge Management Library (PKM Library) The [Personal Knowledge Management Library](https://developassion.gumroad.com/l/PersonalKnowledgeManagementLibrary) is a directory of curated resources about Personal Knowledge Management. It is part of the [[Knowledge Worker Kit]]. Links: - https://developassion.gumroad.com/l/PersonalKnowledgeManagementLibrary ### **Who is this for?** - You want to learn how to organize your personal knowledge - You wonder how to take smart notes - You want to remember more of what you read - You want to improve your knowledge management skills If concepts/acronyms such as PKM, SecondBrain, Zettelkasten, Evergreen notes, and Digital Garden make you curious, then you've come to the right place! It is well-known that our memories are not reliable. To store and organize knowledge bases, we need digital solutions to help us. But that's _not enough_. To keep things manageable over time as our knowledge base scales, we need clear techniques and methodologies. ### What is this? I've been passionate about information, knowledge management, and PKM for more than 20 years. As a knowledge worker, author, blogger, and entrepreneur, I needed solutions to store and organize an enormous amount of information. Over the years, I've explored, used, and advocated many different tools: old-school wikis (e.g., MediaWiki, TiddlyWiki, DokuWiki, Confluence), note-taking solutions such as Evernote, Google Keep, Microsoft OneNote, Okular, Zim, and many more. Recently, the Personal Knowledge Management space has evolved **a lot** with the rise of tools such as Notion, Obsidian, Roam Research, LogSeq, and others. Those have _drastically_ changed the knowledge management landscape and brought us the opportunity to manage knowledge much more efficiently, and to truly create ourselves a second brain, or digital garden. During most of 2021, I've done extensive research and curated a ton of information and links about the Personal Knowledge Management space. I've now regrouped all of this inside of a Notion space. It is now a solid database of the best resources you can find on the subject around the Internet **Each and every week I add new resources to this Notion space:** articles, blogs, books, courses, tools, videos, etc. This includes the content that I [publish](https://dsebastien.net/blog/2021-12-03-personal-knowledge-management-organization) [myself](https://dsebastien.net/blog/2021-10-07-periodic-journaling-part-1) on [the subject](https://dsebastien.net/blog/2022-02-08-why-you-should-take-notes-while-reading) and [my weekly newsletter](https://newsletter.dsebastien.net/). ### What you will get You will get lifetime access to the Personal Knowledge Management Library, and get **regular updates**. What's included? - A list of 290+ tools - Links to 350+ articles - Links to 145+ videos - A list of 90+ books about learning, thinking, writing, note-taking, journaling, neuroscience, psychology, stoicism, etc - Links to 225+ sites & blogs - A list of 75+ YouTube channels - A list of 90+ courses - A list of 90+ newsletters - A list of 40+ podcasts - A list of podcast episodes - A list of 70+ communities and forums - A list of ~2K PKM leaders, influencers, and enthusiasts - A list of 50+ starter kits and templates - A list of 100+ Twitter hashtags to follow - A list of 80+ topics and links to relevant articles, books, videos, etc - And more! I will keep adding to the library, and I'll continue contributing information for the whole community. You'll also get lifetime access to the Personal Knowledge Management community for support and knowledge sharing. ## Video introduction to the PKM Library ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6HNRN6SkE4) ## Testimonials "This is a super complete work and one that I will use in each of my areas of interest. Perfect, really!" — Miriam "This is a great collection of resources that can really help you find the best content out there on personal knowledge management. As a content creator myself, it's great to use this to discover other's who share the same passions and see what they're up to and potentially collaborate. What I really like about it is that it isn't just a collection of note taking resources, related fields such as thinking and psychology." — Martin Adams "The most comprehensive PKM article collection I have ever seen" — Anonymous "A very good ressource !" — Brigitte Roujol "Amazingly good list of resources in Personal Knowledge Management." — Joao Tapadinhas ## Related - [[Introducing the Personal Knowledge Management Library]]