# Work on crazy ideas The world keeps changing. [[Change is the only constant]]. For that reason, you shouldn't constraint your ideas. Don't let others decide what you can and can't do. Most people fail to realize how quickly the world can change. When a new and crazy idea is shared, the immediate reaction is doubt, disbelief, and criticism. "This will never work". "This doesn't make sense". While there are indeed stupid ideas, there are also many ones that fail to be recognized as good ones before they're turned into reality. A popular example is Dropbox. When the initial idea was shared, people just rejected it: ![[Work on crazy ideas - dropbox.png]] And the rest is history. Dropbox ended up changing the world for many people. What they initially failed to recognize as a great innovation later turned into a hugely popular business. So, next time you have an idea, give it a real chance, and don't listen to the naysayers.