# PKM (MoC) <!-- QueryToSerialize: LIST FROM #pkm WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> <!-- SerializedQuery: LIST FROM #pkm WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> - [[100 Days of note-taking by Bianca Pereira]] - [[A long document is like an entire body, it contains many things, and it's hard to describe or explain. An atomic note is like a very small part of the body. It's much easier to describe and explain]] - [[A new piece of content (as opposed to atomic notes) is like a snapshot of a set of ideas in your knowledge base at a specific point in time]] - [[A note is an action potential]] - [[A note-taking system only becomes useful after enough notes and links have been created. There's a startup problem]] - [[A PKM system is a one you can actually trust with important memories, ideas, insights, information, knowledge, and wisdom]] - [[A PKM workflow is a funnel with a wide top and a narrow bottom]] - [[A report is a prison for ideas]] - [[A second brain is a digital archive of your most valuable memories, ideas, and knowledge to help you do your job, run your business, and manage your life without having to keep every detail in your head]] - [[Advice for people getting started with PKM]] - [[AI makes you efficient at being average. PKM makes you efficient at being exceptional. Don't let AI turn you into an NPC]] - [[All knowledge is conjectural]] - [[An idea is a network]] - [[Arrêtez d'Oublier ce que vous Lisez (book)]] - [[Atomic essays]] - [[Atomic notes]] - [[Atomic notes and linking are the basis of powerful knowledge bases]] - [[Atomic notes are inherently flexible. By distilling information into its most basic, standalone elements, each note becomes a building block that can easily be reorganized, linked, or expanded]] - [[Atomic notes are like functions in code]] - [[Atomic notes are like LEGO blocks. Reusable, and composable]] - [[Atomic notes are more than just a note-taking technique]] - [[Atomic notes free up ideas]] - [[Atomic notes help build much more valuable Knowledge Graphs where ideas are interconnected. It doesn't matter if one specific idea evolves or disappears. The whole is more valuable than the sum of its parts]] - [[Atomic Thinking]] - [[Attaching too much to your notes hinders your ability to learn, and adapt]] - [[Avoid complex folder structures]] - [[Avoid considering your notes as final. Write Evergreen Notes]] - [[Benefits of atomic notes]] - [[Benefits of breaking down the walls isolating our knowledge and ideas]] - [[Benefits of considering notes as cattle rather than pets]] - [[Benefits of Obsidian]] - [[Benefits of taking notes while reading]] - [[Beyond Note-Taking - Creating a Playground for Your Mind]] - [[Brain dumps]] - [[Breaking down the walls of personal information silos. Towards connected knowledge]] - [[Building a PKM system requires changing your habits]] - [[Building a Second Brain (book)]] - [[Building a second brain helps develop the main one]] - [[Building a Second Brain method (BASB)]] - [[By externalizing our thoughts, we clear mental space for creativity and innovation]] - [[By starting from first principles, creating atomic notes, and thinking in systems, we can combine ideas and elaborate those to form more complex ones]] - [[C.O.D.E.C]] - [[Calmer Notes (book)]] - [[Capture all the matches that could light a fire of new ideas]] - [[Capturing moments of joy]] - [[Capturing should be a habit. It shouldn’t take any energy or decisions to save a hard-won idea]] - [[Categories are limiting]] - [[Center of gravity principle]] - [[Challenges with folders and tags]] - [[Characteristics of good notes]] - [[Chunking]] - [[Closing Open Loops - The Key to a Calmer, More Productive Mind]] - [[Collector's fallacy]] - [[CommonMark]] - [[Computers are like a bicycle for our minds]] - [[Concept Map]] - [[Concept Network]] - [[Connected notes]] - [[Connecting ideas]] - [[Consider notes as cattle rather than pets]] - [[Consider Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) like investing in your future self. The value of your notes compounds]] - [[Consider regrouping information in as few places as possible in order to simplify your information landscape and your processes. In general, leaner is better]] - [[Consistency in note-taking and PKM is crucial for building a reliable and scalable knowledge base]] - [[Consistency is key in a PKM system. Complexity should be avoided whenever possible]] - [[Constant learning, growth, and expansion of your knowledge is critical to success. The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing. That's why Knowledge Management is so valuable]] - [[Content Collection - Memes - Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)]] - [[Content Collection - Tweets and Threads - Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)]] - [[Contrary to long documents, atomic notes are concise, and focus on a single idea or concept]] - [[CORE creativity model]] - [[Cross-pollination of ideas]] - [[Curating is about turning information into knowledge through mindful consumption]] - [[Definitions of Knowledge]] - [[Depending on how information is stored, linked, and utilized, we will get either more or less use out of that information]] - [[Dewey Decimal System]] - [[Digital clutter is sneaky]] - [[Digital garden]] - [[Digital gardening principles of the creator of LogSeq]] - [[DIKW Pyramid]] - [[Documents are graveyards for ideas]] - [[Documents are prisons for ideas]] - [[Don't just use apps or combinations of apps because someone tells you to. Only consider using tools that really bring value to you. Remember that it's not about tools, it's about what they do for YOU]] - [[Don’t overthink choosing your tools, organization system and techniques. Introduce those if and when you need them. If you feel overwhelmed, then it may be that you have introduced too much complexity at once]] - [[Don't overthink your note taking system]] - [[Don't question your tooling choices too often]] - [[Don't try to create the perfect knowledge management system. Start small, accept imperfection and focus on continuous improvement]] - [[Downsides of writing long notes]] - [[DRY is a guideline but shouldn't be applied no matter what. Repeating yourself in a knowledge base is also okay. There are different ways to present the same ideas, different points of view to explore. Many layers of reality and shades of gray]] - [[Each note should capture a single idea clearly and concisely. Avoid the temptation of including multiple thoughts or tangents in one note. Instead, create separate notes and connect those together]] - [[Each tag and link you add to a note adds a path to resurface that note later on]] - [[Embracing Fluidity in Knowledge Management - The Cattle Approach to Ideas]] - [[Evergreen notes]] - [[Everyday digital productivity tools]] - [[Externalize, and centralize your knowledge. That's where it all begins]] - [[Feynman technique]] - [[File over app principle]] - [[Five Hat Racks]] - [[Fleeting notes]] - [[Focus on memorizing timeless information]] - [[Focus on the system as a whole, and not on each individual idea. Let those evolve, transform, morph, or disappear. It doesn't matter. The Knowledge Graph as a whole does]] - [[Fourth place]] - [[From collector to creator]] - [[Get it out of your mind right away, and get back to work asap]] - [[GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)]] - [[Good notes are those you want to go back to in the future]] - [[History of Personal Knowledge Management]] - [[Hoarding information without purpose will only lead to feeling overwhelmed. It won't help you reach your goals]] - [[How do people even know what they think, if they don't write]] - [[How do you expect to be able to ask questions to your knowledge base if you don't have one. How do you expect AI to write using your own style if you have nothing to feed it]] - [[How I Organize My Work As a Solo Founder]] - [[How I synchronize and backup my Obsidian notes]] - [[How Information Overload is Ruining Your Life]] - [[How to best organize information to facilitate retrieval]] - [[How to break down the walls isolating our knowledge and ideas]] - [[How to capture your thoughts and ideas]] - [[How to choose your sources and inputs]] - [[How to communicate with your future self]] - [[How to connect ideas]] - [[How to create better atomic notes]] - [[How to create new content using your existing notes]] - [[How to go from information consumption to Personal Knowledge Management]] - [[How to implement atomic notes in your PKM system]] - [[How to implement the cattle approach in PKM]] - [[How to leverage Journaling for Productivity]] - [[How to Read a Book (book)]] - [[How to split long notes into atomic ones]] - [[How to take notes while reading non-fiction books]] - [[How to take notes, and what to write down]] - [[How to Take Smart Notes (book)]] - [[I believe that personal knowledge management is self-care on a fundamental level]] - [[I don't trust my brain for long term information storage and retrieval. I also think better when I write. Short term memory is too constrained]] - [[I dream of a future where all our Personal Knowledge Graphs become shareable, discoverable, and connectable, creating much deeper Knowledge Graphs for humanity. Of course, with privacy and control]] - [[I go through dozens of notebooks every year - Richard Branson]] - [[I write ideas down so I don't commit suicide later having forgotten the idea]] - [[Idea capture system]] - [[Idea Development Environment (IDE)]] - [[Ideas are fragile. You need a quick way to capture those. You don't want to have to think about where information needs to go, or where to look for it. Having a capture system removes that friction]] - [[Ideas are part of a whole. They come and go, but the whole system evolves over time]] - [[If I don’t write it down immediately, I forget it right away. If I put it into a sketchbook, I never forget it and I never have to look it up again]] - [[If you become serious about note-taking, forget about folders]] - [[If you don’t have a good system for storing bad ideas, you probably don’t have one for filing good ones, either]] - [[If you fail to capture ideas, they might fade into oblivion and be lost forever]] - [[If you see something, save something]] - [[If you think without writing, you only think you're thinking]] - [[If you write 3 notes a day, you could have more than 1K within a year]] - [[In defense of using fewer tools]] - [[In software systems, low coupling is a quality. In knowledge systems, high coupling is a quality. You want high interconnectivity between notes. Knowledge and learnings are reinforced by relevant connections]] - [[Inbox Zero principle]] - [[Incremental knowledge is much easier to maintain in a rich way]] - [[Information Anxiety (book)]] - [[Information diseases]] - [[Information is data that changes us]] - [[Information is everywhere. Insight is what you keep]] - [[Information is just data, knowledge is how you use the data]] - [[Information is not knowledge]] - [[Information makes us powerless]] - [[Information Management (IM)]] - [[Information only becomes knowledge once you put it into action]] - [[Instead of indiscriminately consuming content and doom scrolling, PKM teaches and enables you to be selective, focusing mainly on information that serves your objectives]] - [[Integrated Thinking Environment (ITE)]] - [[Interleaving books]] - [[Introducing the FILE Framework for Information and Knowledge Management]] - [[Issues with old-school note-taking]] - [[It is much easier to create a valuable Knowledge Graph when you create atomic notes]] - [[It's a Tool, Not a Goal - Why Your PKM System Should Stay Simple]] - [[It's fine if your note-taking system is a bit messy]] - [[It's impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows]] - [[It’s not about how much you learn It’s about how you organize that knowledge, and your ability to recall it when you need it most]] - [[It’s not about the apps – it’s about the system]] - [[It's rare for knowledge to live in isolation. That's why connecting ideas is key for Personal Knowledge Management]] - [[Iterative and incremental note-taking]] - [[Johnny Decimal system]] - [[Journaling]] - [[Journaling helps hold yourself accountable]] - [[Journaling helps you not only expand your ideas, but also prevents you from losing the important ideas that you may want to act on in the future]] - [[Journaling is the perfect entry point into growing a Knowledge Management practice]] - [[Journaling prompts]] - [[Just because you can capture everything doesn’t mean you should]] - [[Just like code functions, notes should be short, easy to understand and standing on their own]] - [[Kneaver]] - [[Knowledge and curiosity are real competitive advantages]] - [[Knowledge Capture Decision Framework]] - [[Knowledge categories]] - [[Knowledge compounds over time. But only if you have a system]] - [[Knowledge connectivity]] - [[Knowledge doesn't just grow linearly. It compounds through connections]] - [[Knowledge Graph (KG)]] - [[Knowledge is composed of an infinite number of infinite ladders]] - [[Knowledge is emergent. It lies in the connections we make between ideas. That's why mental models are so useful to develop and acquire]] - [[Knowledge Management]] - [[Knowledge Management for Beginners]] - [[Knowledge Management for Beginners - Course Resources]] - [[Knowledge Management goes way beyond productivity. It's a means to learn more about yourself, and your dreams, develop your potential, and live the life you were meant to live]] - [[Knowledge Management is one of the enablers to help us go from Information Overwhelm to Wisdom]] - [[Knowledge Management isn't a separate activity. It should be part of everything you do, fully integrated into your life]] - [[Knowledge Management needs to be a first class citizen in your work and life if you want it to have an impact]] - [[Knowledge Management Proficiency Ladder]] - [[Knowledge Worker Kit]] - [[Lag is the mind-killer]] - [[LATCH]] - [[Law of staleness]] - [[Learn and memorize first principles and mental models]] - [[Less is more when it comes to reading non-fiction. I took many weeks to read The Personal MBA, and learned a lot more than I would have if I just rushed through the content]] - [[Leveraging Personal Knowledge Management to limit open loops]] - [[LIFT principle]] - [[Linear vs non-linear note-taking]] - [[Link rot]] - [[Linking ideas together helps us remember and (re)use those]] - [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Literature notes.md|Literature notes]] - [[Main parts of Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)]] - [[Main value of a habit of writing]] - [[Many people forget or neglect to take notes]] - [[Map of Content (MoC)]] - [[Markdown]] - [[Middle out thinking]] - [[Most notes are write-only. Created once, never read again. Smart notes are building blocks. Created once, used forever]] - [[Most of what we learn about doesn't need to be memorized. Schools generally put too much emphasis on recall and so little on knowledge management, problem-solving, and creativity]] - [[My Key Beliefs About Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)]] - [[My PKM System Handbook]] - [[Myths and misconceptions about second brains]] - [[Naming Scheme for Periodic Review Notes]] - [[Natural tension between compression and context]] - [[Never hesitate to update or remove existing notes. The world changes all the time, your knowledge evolves, and your notes only reflect your thinking at a given point in time]] - [[No PKM system works for everyone. No PKM system is perfect. No PKM system is stable forever. What matters is that you use your system regularly. Bonus points if you reduce friction over time without using that as another way to procrastinate]] - [[Not all information is knowledge, but all knowledge is information]] - [[Note taking has to act like a pipeline to be useful]] - [[Note-making is different from note-taking. But both are complementary]] - [[Note-taking advice]] - [[Note-taking and note-making are complementary. Both have value]] - [[Note-taking is a means to an end it should reduce the distance between what's in your mind and what you want to say, create, remember. Anything that adds friction should be pared down, resist the temptation to overcomplicate]] - [[Note-taking is a tool, not a goal]] - [[Note-taking is a vital skill]] - [[Note-taking is all about capturing information from the outside world, while note-making is about expressing ourselves]] - [[Note-taking is the easy part. The hard part is organizing and linking]] - [[Note-taking is, in a sense, the inverse of lecture delivery]] - [[Note-taking makes it easy to remember everything, to organize and connect our thoughts]] - [[Note-taking system of Thibaut Lopes]] - [[Notes don't matter. Information and knowledge do]] - [[Notes only make sense as the input for something else. Either as inspiration or as ideas that you can compose to derive new creations]] - [[Notes should be short, focused, atomic. Complex ideas should be compositions reusing atomic ones]] - [[Nourish your inspiration, imagination and intuition]] - [[Obsidian]] - [[Obsidian Starter Course]] - [[Obsidian Starter Kit]] - [[Obsidian Web Clipper]] - [[Once you start introducing Knowledge Management practices in your life, you will start using specific tools to capture your thoughts, ideas, inspiration, knowledge, and connect it all]] - [[One Big Text File (OBTF)]] - [[One of the most important and overlooked part of PKM is how to capture ideas when you are away from the computer]] - [[Overthinking is a symptom of keeping too much information in your brain]] - [[Overview of my PKM System]] - [[Paper system]] - [[PARA method]] - [[Periodic journaling]] - [[Periodic reviews]] - [[Periodically revisit your notes. This not only refreshes your memory but also provides opportunities to refine, combine, or otherwise evolve your understanding]] - [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Permanent notes.md|Permanent notes]] - [[Permanent notes should be portable, independent and atomic]] - [[Personal Information Management (PIM)]] - [[Personal Information Silos]] - [[Personal Information Storage System (PISS)]] - [[Personal Knowledge (book)]] - [[Personal Knowledge Graph (PKG)]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management (PKM)]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) channels thoughts, ideas and knowledge into more meaningful action]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management at Scale - Analyzing 8,000 Notes and 64,000 Links]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management avoids needless pressure on the human brain]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management Coaching]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management enables memorizing and forgetting, at scale]] - [[Personal knowledge management gets a lot easier and more effective when you realize the key is to consistently capture, organize, review, and apply]] - [[Personal knowledge management is less about one-time organization and more about regularly curating and revisiting your notes]] - [[Personal knowledge management isn't about storing information, it's about making it actionable]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management Library (PKM Library)]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management pitfalls to avoid]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management Process]] - [[Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS)]] - [[Pick one notes app, and keep it for long enough to reap the benefits]] - [[PKM enables having conversations with yourself through time. And that's powerful]] - [[PKM requires thinking carefully about what you need to retain, and where. Many things deserve to be captured, but few actually need to be memorized. And the balance is not that easy to find]] - [[PKM System Handbook Template]] - [[PKM systems act as external brains with a reliable memory]] - [[Principles of Zettelkasten]] - [[Process knowledge vs state knowledge]] - [[Progressive summarization]] - [[Progressive summarization is really a mindful technique. It's a practice for fine-tuning your intuition and self-awareness]] - [[Pros and cons of tags]] - [[Reaching the end of a project isn’t just about crossing the finish line, it’s about integrating it into the bigger picture of your knowledge management system]] - [[Reasons to use Obsidian]] - [[Refine and reduce intake of information. Select the information you curate and consume more carefully]] - [[Remark, Relate, Reference (RRR)]] - [[Remember the true purpose of notes. They are not just to remember, but to think. They are not just to store, but to connect. They are not just to capture, but to create]] - [[Research, Read, Assimilate. Rinse and repeat]] - [[Reusing previous notes and connecting those with other ones is a key aspect of creating smart notes]] - [[Saving and restoring your mental contexts to improve mental health and productivity]] - [[SCALE Method]] - [[Search vs organization]] - [[Second brain parts]] - [[Second brain phases]] - [[Seek, Sense, Share]] - [[Signs that you probably need a Knowledge Management System]] - [[Single letter note tagging system]] - [[Single Source of Truth (SSOT)]] - [[Single Source of Truth in a PKM system]] - [[Single vs multiple knowledge bases]] - [[Smart notes]] - [[SN(A)CK System]] - [[Specificities and benefits of Outliners]] - [[Steps to build a second brain]] - [[Stop classifying notes]] - [[Streamline Your Note-Taking - Why Daily Notes Should Be Your Capture System]] - [[Strive for simplicity and accept that your Knowledge base and Knowledge management system will forever be flawed]] - [[Structured data is the way forward for PKM. With time and experience, having solid ways to increase consistency (not burden!!) is key to creating a maintainable and usable knowledge base]] - [[Supercharge Your PKM Workflow with the Obsidian Web Clipper (Article)]] - [[Systems are much more important than tools, especially for note taking]] - [[Tags and metadata enable finding the information you need more easily when you need it. It’s critical to maximize usefulness and leverage]] - [[Tags are no better or worse than folders, links or MOCs. They're complementary]] - [[Taking notes frees up your mind in the moment, and enables you to organize thoughts you can leverage in the future]] - [[Taking notes is like investing in your future self]] - [[Taking notes is like investing in your future self. Every time you take a note, you’re creating an asset that will grow and compound for years to come]] - [[Taking notes means taking a stance]] - [[Taking notes takes time, but not taking notes is losing your time]] - [[Tana]] - [[Template I use for periodic notes]] - [[Templates boost PKM consistency]] - [[Templates increase note-taking productivity]] - [[Templates make notes easier to find]] - [[The ability to resurface your notes and ideas in the future is a key part of building a valuable PKM system]] - [[The Art of Reading Slowly - Why Speed Isn't Everything (Article)]] - [[The average person's workload no longer fits within an average human brain. Unless you expand that capacity, you'll have to either drastically limit your ambitions, or destroy your peace of mind trying to fit it in anyway]] - [[The benefit of PARA is the homogeneity of the system across platforms and apps. That is, having a single mental model for everything]] - [[The best way to learn something new is to connect it to something old]] - [[The Capture Habit]] - [[The challenge is knowing which knowledge is worth acquiring]] - [[The direct consequence of taking more notes is that you retain more information]] - [[The direct consequence of taking more notes is that you retain more information and knowledge. But the most important benefit is one of the second-order effects. You improve your thinking]] - [[The goal is not to read faster and go through as many books as you can, but rather to retain more of what you read through active reading. You read slower but get a lot more out of it]] - [[The Gradual Return On Investment of PKM]] - [[The Knowledge Funnel - From Capture to Connected Notes]] - [[The more complex an organization system is, the hardest it gets to file and locate information]] - [[The more experience you have with note-taking, note-taking and PKM, and the leaner your toolkit is]] - [[The more notes and links you have in your knowledge base, the more possible path you can create. The number of paths grows exponentially as you add more notes and links]] - [[The more notes and links you have in your knowledge base, the more possible paths you can create. The number of paths grows exponentially as you add more notes and links]] - [[The more notes you have, the more pathways there are through your knowledge base]] - [[The more we take notes, the more we improve our memory]] - [[The more you read, the smarter you get. Especially when you capture and connect the ideas, knowledge, and wisdom]] - [[The more you try to outsource thinking, The less thinking you actually do]] - [[The notes themselves aren't important, but rather the process of physically writing the notes, internalizing the information, and building new connections in your head is quite important]] - [[The PARA Method (book)]] - [[The point of notetaking is not about taking notes. It’s about capturing thoughts that make the effort of reviewing and revisiting them exciting]] - [[The point of PKM is not to build a second brain, but to empower the one you already have]] - [[The Power of Modern Knowledge Management for Business Professionals]] - [[The right way to think about a PKM system is as an integral part of everything you do]] - [[The strategies we employ for note-taking, note-making, and sense-making play a crucial role in how we store, retrieve, and utilize information]] - [[The value of going from analog to digital]] - [[The Zettelkasten is a tool to outsource memory, but also to enhance that fortuitous forgetfulness that leads to future productive re-encounters]] - [[Theory behind the PARA method]] - [[There is no substitute for knowledge]] - [[There’s no real way to achieve the kind of relaxed control I’m promising if you keep things only in your head]] - [[Thieves as a pre-reading strategy]] - [[This is not a knowledge file cabinet. This is a knowledge cocktail party. It should be socializing with other knowledge, bumping into each other chatting each other up, and finding new connections]] - [[Thoughts create reality. PKM improves thinking. Hence, PKM changes the world for the best]] - [[Tiago Forte]] - [[Tips to maintain Inbox Zero]] - [[Tips to retain more of what you read]] - [[To think, in an unbroken, deep, way, with no outside inputs, analog is the best way to go]] - [[Tool for Thought must-have features]] - [[Tool for Thought nice-to-have features]] - [[Tools for Thought (TfTs)]] - [[Tools I use for Periodic Notes]] - [[Top of mind note]] - [[Transform Information Chaos Into Knowledge Power - A Simple 10-Step Process]] - [[Treat ideas like cattle, not like pets]] - [[Treating ideas like cattle, rather than pets, offers an interesting perspective on managing our knowledge]] - [[Types of notes in a Personal Knowledge Management System]] - [[Types of tags]] - [[Understand that PKM will require time and efforts, and set realistic expectations]] - [[Unless your goal is to have fun, avoid hoarding information without purpose. Be intentional]] - [[Unlocking Efficiency and Consistency in Note-Taking - The Power of Templates in Personal Knowledge Management.]] - [[Use Atomic notes to better organize information, as well as enable creating more useful and more meaningful links]] - [[Useful questions to better connect notes]] - [[Useful questions to ponder when curating and consuming content]] - [[Ways to connect ideas in a PKM system]] - [[Ways to locate notes]] - [[We don’t write things down to remember them. We write them down to forget]] - [[We shape our tools thereafter our tools shape us]] - [[Web of knowledge]] - [[Weekly review process]] - [[What a capture system looks like]] - [[What Are Daily Notes Useful For]] - [[What are templates]] - [[What Personal Knowledge Management is about]] - [[What to pay attention to when choosing a Tool for Thought]] - [[What's the point of gathering knowledge if it doesn't have any impact on anyone else. Move beyond information hoarding and start sharing your ideas with the world]] - [[When we write something down (physically or digitally) we are converting a thought about the world from our brains into material which can be interacted with, both later by ourselves and by others]] - [[When you are learning, note-taking helps capturing what matters. When you are expressing yourself, note-making is the way]] - [[When you only read, you're missing 90% of the benefits. Truly learning requires thinking, and thinking requires writing. Capture what resonates, think about it, connect with the rest of your ideas, and leverage that accumulated knowledge. It compounds]] - [[When you tag information, don't look for the one perfect tag. Instead, add as many relevant keywords as you can. Those are pathways for you to stumble upon this note later]] - [[When you take a note, you need to add a minimum of metadata]] - [[When you take notes and keep those isolated, they can never reach their full potential]] - [[When you write a note, consider it as a draft forever. Never hesitate to update or remove existing notes]] - [[While perfect consistency is a waste of time, having some does have value]] - [[While we can dream about a future where our data, information and knowledge flow freely, without artificial barriers, integration problems or issues, it will remain a utopia for years to come]] - [[Why and how I started using Zotero]] - [[Why and How to Combine Journaling, Learning and Knowledge Management]] - [[Why and how to tag notes in your PKM]] - [[Why book highlights are not enough]] - [[Why is Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) useful]] - [[Why knowledge centralization matters]] - [[Why not memorize everything]] - [[Why Obsidian is All You Need - From Simple Notes to Complete Productivity]] - [[Why solopreneurs are missing out when not taking or making notes and using PKM]] - [[Why take and make notes]] - [[Why take notes]] - [[Why take notes while reading]] - [[Why templates are beneficial for note-taking and Personal Knowledge Management]] - [[Why use daily notes as your capture system]] - [[Why waste your time and energy trying to “use your head” to store everything you need to know when you can outsource the job of remembering to technology]] - [[Why you should have a Personal Knowledge Management System]] - [[Why you should link your notes with time]] - [[With a Personal Knowledge Management System, you always start from somewhere]] - [[With a proper PKM system in place, you can avoid information overload, declutter your mind, gain clarity, and grow]] - [[With templates, the focus shifts from how to capture information to the information itself, leading to clearer thoughts and more effective learning]] - [[Write as you learn]] - [[Write digital notes when you want your mind to move faster. Write with pen and paper when you want your mind to move slower]] - [[Write ideas, not documents]] - [[Write Once Read Never (WORN)]] - [[Write one note a day for 30 days]] - [[Write what you know]] - [[Writing a journal can be a great starting point for your PKM journey. Capture what you learn, what you find interesting, inspiring, useful, what you think, what you feel, and more. All of those notes can later become separate (ideally atomic) notes]] - [[Writing about a topic helps uncover the gaps in our understanding]] - [[Writing help channeling your thoughts. It brings clarity where the mind alone may struggle]] - [[Writing is thinking]] - [[Writing is understanding]] - [[Writing summaries is not only useful before exams]] - [[You can learn a lot about something by trying to write down what you think you know]] - [[You don't need a better note-taking system. What you need is to develop a note-taking practice. Learn how to turn what you discover into knowledge that you can leverage for a lifetime, changing your perceptions and actions for the better]] - [[You have to be able to trust your investments of knowledge the same way you trust your investments of money]] - [[You need a capture system]] - [[You should always know WHY you capture some piece of information and add it to your PKM system]] - [[You want the notes you take to live on, and join your knowledge base forever]] - [[Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them]] - [[Your brain is for having ideas, not holding them]] - [[Your brain is for having ideas, not storing them]] - [[Your knowledge base should have a simple and light folder structure (at worst). The less time you spend filing notes, the more time you have to focus on what really matters. Knowledge and links]] - [[Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them]] - [[Your notes only reflect your knowledge and thinking at a given point in time. Each note is bound to become outdated or useless at some point]] - [[Your PKM system is a garden. Daily notes are the seeds, atomic notes are the plants, and your knowledge base is the flourishing ecosystem. Nurture it daily]] - [[Zettelkasten is simpler than you think]] - [[Zettelkasten method]] <!-- SerializedQuery END -->