# David Allen ## Quotes <!-- QueryToSerialize: LIST FROM #quotes AND [[David Allen]] WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> <!-- SerializedQuery: LIST FROM #quotes AND [[David Allen]] WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> - [[If you don’t have a good system for storing bad ideas, you probably don’t have one for filing good ones, either]] - [[The weekly review is the master key to your productivity]] - [[There’s no real way to achieve the kind of relaxed control I’m promising if you keep things only in your head]] - [[You can only feel good about what you're not doing when you know what you're not doing]] - [[Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them]] <!-- SerializedQuery END --> ## Books <!-- QueryToSerialize: LIST FROM #books AND [[David Allen]] WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> <!-- SerializedQuery: LIST FROM #books AND [[David Allen]] WHERE public_note = true SORT file.name ASC --> - [[Getting Things Done (book)]] <!-- SerializedQuery END -->