%% Automatically generated by the Publish template %% # Changelog - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicky James.md|Nicky James]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/William Martin.md|William Martin]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hardeep Singh Kohli.md|Hardeep Singh Kohli]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Richard Kline.md|Richard Kline]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Donald Sull.md|Donald Sull]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Kathleen Eisenhardt.md|Kathleen Eisenhardt]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Simple Rules (book).md|Simple Rules (book)]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Barbara Hemphill.md|Barbara Hemphill]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/David McCullough.md|David McCullough]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Vidyamala Burch.md|Vidyamala Burch]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Farrah Gray.md|Farrah Gray]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Brett Williams.md|Brett Williams]] - 2024-07-24: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tim Tharp.md|Tim Tharp]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Success (MoC).md|Success (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/PKM (MoC).md|PKM (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bill Gates.md|Bill Gates]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Susan Weinschenk.md|Susan Weinschenk]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Effects (MoC).md|Effects (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Perfectionism keeps us from making mistakes but also from making progress.md|Perfectionism keeps us from making mistakes but also from making progress]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Psychology.md|Psychology]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hal Elrod.md|Hal Elrod]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH).md|David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/James Papez.md|James Papez]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Refine and reduce intake of information. Select the information you curate and consume more carefully.md|Refine and reduce intake of information. Select the information you curate and consume more carefully]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jessica Livingston.md|Jessica Livingston]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/32.03 Book notes.md|32.03 Book notes]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.md|Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.md|Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Stress doesn't come from hard work. It comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over.md|Stress doesn't come from hard work. It comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dagobert Renouf.md|Dagobert Renouf]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Ratey.md|John Ratey]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Progress.md|Progress]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Future (MoC).md|Future (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Seek to live. Remembrance is for the old.md|Seek to live. Remembrance is for the old]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Personal Development.md|Personal Development]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Distractions.md|Distractions]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/34 MOCs.md|34 MOCs]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Action (MoC).md|Action (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stephen J. Dubner.md|Stephen J. Dubner]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.md|Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Entrepreneurship (MoC).md|Entrepreneurship (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sönke Ahrens.md|Sönke Ahrens]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Josh Kaufman.md|Josh Kaufman]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Positivity (MoC).md|Positivity (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sandra Blakeslee.md|Sandra Blakeslee]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jake Knapp.md|Jake Knapp]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tim Ferriss.md|Tim Ferriss]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Thomas Schelling.md|Thomas Schelling]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Learning.md|Learning]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/A fantastic goal without a fantastic plan is a fantastic fantasy.md|A fantastic goal without a fantastic plan is a fantastic fantasy]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Barbara Fredrickson.md|Barbara Fredrickson]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Richard Feynman.md|Richard Feynman]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/George Samuel Clason.md|George Samuel Clason]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Learn and grow with your audience.md|Learn and grow with your audience]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Constant learning, growth, and expansion of your knowledge is critical to success. The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing. That's why Knowledge Management is so valuable.md|Constant learning, growth, and expansion of your knowledge is critical to success. The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing. That's why Knowledge Management is so valuable]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path.md|It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.md|Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marcel Proust.md|Marcel Proust]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eldar Shafir.md|Eldar Shafir]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Note-taking.md|Note-taking]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Creativity (MoC).md|Creativity (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nassim Nicholas Taleb.md|Nassim Nicholas Taleb]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/32.05 Quotes.md|32.05 Quotes]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Knowledge Management (MoC).md|Knowledge Management (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Systems Thinking (MoC).md|Systems Thinking (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paul Hammerness.md|Paul Hammerness]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Matthew Walker.md|Matthew Walker]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ryan Holiday.md|Ryan Holiday]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sahil Lavingia.md|Sahil Lavingia]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Kiyosaki.md|Robert Kiyosaki]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Naval Ravikant.md|Naval Ravikant]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Knowledge (MoC).md|Knowledge (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Tips to win in the attention economy.md|Tips to win in the attention economy]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/36 People.md|36 People]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rob Fitzpatrick.md|Rob Fitzpatrick]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Work (MoC).md|Work (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gerald Weinberg.md|Gerald Weinberg]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Love doesn't need to be discussed. It has its own voice and speaks for itself.md|Love doesn't need to be discussed. It has its own voice and speaks for itself]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Austin Kleon.md|Austin Kleon]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Leadership (MoC).md|Leadership (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/MJ DeMarco.md|MJ DeMarco]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Simon Sinek.md|Simon Sinek]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert L. Glass.md|Robert L. Glass]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lao Tzu.md|Lao Tzu]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicholas Humphrey.md|Nicholas Humphrey]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charles Van Doren.md|Charles Van Doren]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Money (MoC).md|Money (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/James Clear.md|James Clear]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Love is always new. Regardless of whether we love once, twice, or a dozen times in our life, we always face a brand-new situation.md|Love is always new. Regardless of whether we love once, twice, or a dozen times in our life, we always face a brand-new situation]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Focus (MoC).md|Focus (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Anger (MoC).md|Anger (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Surprises (MoC).md|Surprises (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bessel van der Kolk.md|Bessel van der Kolk]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Malcolm Gladwell.md|Malcolm Gladwell]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (book).md|By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept (book)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Barry Schwartz.md|Barry Schwartz]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Margaret Moore.md|Margaret Moore]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Life takes us by surprise and orders us to move toward the unknown, even when we don't want to and when we think we don't need to.md|Life takes us by surprise and orders us to move toward the unknown, even when we don't want to and when we think we don't need to]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/If I must fall, may it be from a high place.md|If I must fall, may it be from a high place]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Confidence (MoC).md|Confidence (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/John C. Maxwell.md|John C. Maxwell]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/All ideas are mashups of old ideas. Pure novelty is ultra rare.md|All ideas are mashups of old ideas. Pure novelty is ultra rare]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Happiness (MoC).md|Happiness (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joe Dominguez.md|Joe Dominguez]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Cold Start.md|Cold Start]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.md|Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Zeratsky.md|John Zeratsky]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eric S. Raymond.md|Eric S. Raymond]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/If you accept conventional wisdom from people living conventional lives, can you expect to be anything but conventional.md|If you accept conventional wisdom from people living conventional lives, can you expect to be anything but conventional]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ray Oldenburg.md|Ray Oldenburg]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Morgan Housel.md|Morgan Housel]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Trust (MoC).md|Trust (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stephen King.md|Stephen King]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.md|We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paulo Coelho.md|Paulo Coelho]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Concepts (MoC).md|Concepts (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Ideas (MoC).md|Ideas (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Progress (MoC).md|Progress (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Fortunate are those who take the first steps.md|Fortunate are those who take the first steps]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henry James.md|Henry James]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Aida Mandić.md|Aida Mandić]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Daniel Kahneman.md|Daniel Kahneman]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Abraham Lincoln.md|Abraham Lincoln]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Assembling is creating. All ideas are associations.md|Assembling is creating. All ideas are associations]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.md|It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The universe always conspires in favor of those who dream.md|The universe always conspires in favor of those who dream]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/If you cannot explain why you believe what you believe, then it isn’t your belief, it’s someone else’s.md|If you cannot explain why you believe what you believe, then it isn’t your belief, it’s someone else’s]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Productivity.md|Productivity]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steven Pressfield.md|Steven Pressfield]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Peter Thiel.md|Peter Thiel]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Attention (MoC).md|Attention (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Serendipity (MoC).md|Serendipity (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Acronyms (MoC).md|Acronyms (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marie Kondo.md|Marie Kondo]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Personal Organization.md|Personal Organization]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Be a perfectionist, but don't stay stuck on details.md|Be a perfectionist, but don't stay stuck on details]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/33.02 Content.md|33.02 Content]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Aldous Huxley.md|Aldous Huxley]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/People.md|People]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Information Overload.md|Information Overload]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Richard Saul Wurman.md|Richard Saul Wurman]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Present (MoC).md|Present (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joe Moran.md|Joe Moran]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/It is by walking that the path is made.md|It is by walking that the path is made]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steven D. Levitt.md|Steven D. Levitt]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.md|Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.04 Expressions/You can't save people from themselves.md|You can't save people from themselves]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Principles (MoC).md|Principles (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Hope (MoC).md|Hope (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.04 Expressions/32.04 Expressions.md|32.04 Expressions]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jason Fried.md|Jason Fried]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Burning out means exhausting all of our internal resources.md|Burning out means exhausting all of our internal resources]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Intelligence (MoC).md|Intelligence (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stanislas Dehaene.md|Stanislas Dehaene]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Tips.md|Tips]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/V. S. Ramachandran.md|V. S. Ramachandran]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Emotions.md|Emotions]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sébastien Dubois.md|Sébastien Dubois]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mortimer J. Adler.md|Mortimer J. Adler]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Cold shoe.md|Cold shoe]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Time (MoC).md|Time (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tiago Forte.md|Tiago Forte]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Decision-making (MoC).md|Decision-making (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Dreams mean work.md|Dreams mean work]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.md|It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Pablo Picasso.md|Pablo Picasso]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Avoid falling into the trap of focusing too much on the system, and too little on get value out of it.md|Avoid falling into the trap of focusing too much on the system, and too little on get value out of it]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Thinking (MoC).md|Thinking (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frederick Brooks.md|Frederick Brooks]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Past (MoC).md|Past (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Creating content enables reaching a deeper understanding of the subject matter.md|Creating content enables reaching a deeper understanding of the subject matter]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Adair.md|John Adair]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/My quotes.md|My quotes]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Umberto Eco.md|Umberto Eco]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Goals (MoC).md|Goals (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Vicki Robin.md|Vicki Robin]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Millionaire Fastlane (book).md|The Millionaire Fastlane (book)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jeff Hawkins.md|Jeff Hawkins]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Peter C. Brown.md|Peter C. Brown]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Wisdom (MoC).md|Wisdom (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eliott Meunier.md|Eliott Meunier]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/DevSecOps (MoC).md|DevSecOps (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Optimism (MoC).md|Optimism (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Procrastination (MoC).md|Procrastination (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alex Hormozi.md|Alex Hormozi]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/There's no need to focus on having original or unique ideas.md|There's no need to focus on having original or unique ideas]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Burnout (MoC).md|Burnout (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Our existence depends on our choices. And our choices create an infinity of different worlds.md|Our existence depends on our choices. And our choices create an infinity of different worlds]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paul Jarvis.md|Paul Jarvis]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.md|People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Douglas Richard Hofstadter.md|Douglas Richard Hofstadter]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eric R. Kandel.md|Eric R. Kandel]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Arrêtez d'Oublier ce que vous Lisez (book).md|Arrêtez d'Oublier ce que vous Lisez (book)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jeff Bezos.md|Jeff Bezos]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Richard S. Lazarus.md|Richard S. Lazarus]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.md|The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sendhil Mullainathan.md|Sendhil Mullainathan]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Quotes.md|Quotes]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicolas Cole.md|Nicolas Cole]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Violence (MoC).md|Violence (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Teaching (MoC).md|Teaching (MoC)]] - 2024-07-23: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Creating communities, sharing ideas, helping and empowering people builds trust, and social capital.md|Creating communities, sharing ideas, helping and empowering people builds trust, and social capital]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Organize Your Mind Organize Your Life (book).md|Organize Your Mind Organize Your Life (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Coaches need to have a good understanding of how the brain works, and thus knowledge about psychology and neuroscience.md|Coaches need to have a good understanding of how the brain works, and thus knowledge about psychology and neuroscience]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Hippocampus.md|Hippocampus]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Leaps of Faith (book).md|Leaps of Faith (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Negative people are energy vampires.md|Negative people are energy vampires]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Positivity and increased positive emotions increases our resilience and capacity to change.md|Positivity and increased positive emotions increases our resilience and capacity to change]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/In Search of Memory The Emergence of a New Science of Mind (book).md|In Search of Memory The Emergence of a New Science of Mind (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Storytelling.md|Storytelling]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Humans want to be in control and naturally resist change.md|Humans want to be in control and naturally resist change]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Hypothalamus.md|Hypothalamus]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Positive psychology.md|Positive psychology]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Negative feelings act like brakes on our momentum.md|Negative feelings act like brakes on our momentum]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Coaches help achieve clarity, set a goal and choose what to focus on, build a plan towards success, initiate the change and go through the journey.md|Coaches help achieve clarity, set a goal and choose what to focus on, build a plan towards success, initiate the change and go through the journey]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/The problem of most people isn't so much all the distractions around them, but rather the fact that they are unable to focus and ignore those.md|The problem of most people isn't so much all the distractions around them, but rather the fact that they are unable to focus and ignore those]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Each negative thought is more powerful than many positive ones.md|Each negative thought is more powerful than many positive ones]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Coaches help people organize their brains for change.md|Coaches help people organize their brains for change]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Negative emotions.md|Negative emotions]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Sparketype assessment.md|Sparketype assessment]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Make peace with the past.md|Make peace with the past]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/36 People/Martin Seligman.md|Martin Seligman]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/The pace of life is increasing, and the distractions multiplying. We need to get used to it, and find ways to protect ourselves.md|The pace of life is increasing, and the distractions multiplying. We need to get used to it, and find ways to protect ourselves]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Positivity and increased positive emotions opens and broadens our thinking.md|Positivity and increased positive emotions opens and broadens our thinking]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Psychology of change.md|Psychology of change]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Primary emotions.md|Primary emotions]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mikaly Csikszentmihalyi.md|Mikaly Csikszentmihalyi]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Coaches help better manage and decrease negative emotions.md|Coaches help better manage and decrease negative emotions]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Improving your personal organization will improve your self-esteem.md|Improving your personal organization will improve your self-esteem]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Thalamus.md|Thalamus]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Richest Man in Babylon (book).md|The Richest Man in Babylon (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Coaches help increase positive emotions.md|Coaches help increase positive emotions]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/On Intelligence (book).md|On Intelligence (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Time management.md|Time management]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/High-concept ideas.md|High-concept ideas]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Phantoms in the Brain (book).md|Phantoms in the Brain (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Business at the Speed of Thought (book).md|Business at the Speed of Thought (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Negative emotions impact.md|Negative emotions impact]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Success calls success, but failure can damage your confidence and bring negativity.md|Success calls success, but failure can damage your confidence and bring negativity]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Overwhelmed By Life Today (OBLT).md|Overwhelmed By Life Today (OBLT)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Learned helplessness.md|Learned helplessness]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Freakonomics (book).md|Freakonomics (book)]] - 2024-07-19: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Vicious circle.md|Vicious circle]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joel Spolsky.md|Joel Spolsky]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Joel on Software (book).md|Joel on Software (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gregor Hope.md|Gregor Hope]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bill Copeland.md|Bill Copeland]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George Kao.md|George Kao]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Reusing previous notes and connecting those with other ones is a key aspect of creating smart notes.md|Reusing previous notes and connecting those with other ones is a key aspect of creating smart notes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Luc de Clapiers.md|Luc de Clapiers]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Horace Walpole.md|Horace Walpole]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Paradox of Choice (book).md|The Paradox of Choice (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Make Time (book).md|Make Time (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George L Kelling.md|George L Kelling]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Braden Kelley.md|Braden Kelley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Essentialism (book).md|Essentialism (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Scarcity (book).md|Scarcity (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Roy Amara.md|Roy Amara]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mason Cooley.md|Mason Cooley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard.md|Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still, perhaps too hard]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Patience.md|Patience]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/We get what we say we want, only to discover that what we want doesn’t satisfy us to the degree that we expect.md|We get what we say we want, only to discover that what we want doesn’t satisfy us to the degree that we expect]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Brene Brown.md|Brene Brown]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Getting Real (book).md|Getting Real (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Epictetus.md|Epictetus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.04 Expressions/Garbage in, Garbage out (GIGO).md|Garbage in, Garbage out (GIGO)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Black swan.md|Black swan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Confucius.md|Confucius]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Linus' Law.md|Linus' Law]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steven Spielberg.md|Steven Spielberg]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/In Search of Lost Time Volume 1 (book).md|In Search of Lost Time Volume 1 (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Great Good Place (book).md|The Great Good Place (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/James Q Wilson.md|James Q Wilson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Codie Sanchez.md|Codie Sanchez]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Neil Gaiman.md|Neil Gaiman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/André Aciman.md|André Aciman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Third place.md|Third place]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Show Your Work! (book).md|Show Your Work! (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Matt Gray.md|Matt Gray]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Doing well with money has a little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave.md|Doing well with money has a little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Terry Pratchett.md|Terry Pratchett]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Dunning.md|David Dunning]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/C. S. Lewis.md|C. S. Lewis]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Time blocking (MoC).md|Time blocking (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Systems (MoC).md|Systems (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Make It Stick (book).md|Make It Stick (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Katy Milkman.md|Katy Milkman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Steindl-Rast.md|David Steindl-Rast]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Overthinking.md|Overthinking]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Aldous Huxley about enlightenment.md|Aldous Huxley about enlightenment]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Franklin D. Roosevelt.md|Franklin D. Roosevelt]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lori Deschene.md|Lori Deschene]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eugene Znosko-Borovsky.md|Eugene Znosko-Borovsky]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Hard work.md|Hard work]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Yoram Harpaz.md|Yoram Harpaz]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mae West.md|Mae West]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Peter Drucker.md|Peter Drucker]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/W. Edwards Deming.md|W. Edwards Deming]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Atomic Thinking.md|Atomic Thinking]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.md|Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tony Robbins.md|Tony Robbins]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tim Lister.md|Tim Lister]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Julia Cameron.md|Julia Cameron]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Sparked (book).md|Sparked (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Lynch.md|David Lynch]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet.md|Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Doors of Perception (book).md|The Doors of Perception (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Haruki Murakami.md|Haruki Murakami]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alexandre Dumas.md|Alexandre Dumas]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Journaling (MoC).md|Journaling (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Aldous Huxley about human islands.md|Aldous Huxley about human islands]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Søren Kierkegaard.md|Søren Kierkegaard]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.06 Poems/32.06 Poems.md|32.06 Poems]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Self-education is the habit of the free.md|Self-education is the habit of the free]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Chris Argyris.md|Chris Argyris]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Core human drives.md|Core human drives]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Destiny has two ways of crushing us. By refusing our wishes, and by fulfilling them.md|Destiny has two ways of crushing us. By refusing our wishes, and by fulfilling them]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Felipe Fraga.md|Felipe Fraga]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eknath Easwaran.md|Eknath Easwaran]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Andrew Huberman.md|Andrew Huberman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Most Important Task of the Day (MITD).md|Most Important Task of the Day (MITD)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Pieter Levels.md|Pieter Levels]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Carl Sagan.md|Carl Sagan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The education system creates slaves, not free thinkers.md|The education system creates slaves, not free thinkers]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Guy Lombardo.md|Guy Lombardo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Edmund Lee.md|Edmund Lee]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Cal Newport.md|Cal Newport]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster, for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.md|Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster, for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Frameworks (MoC).md|Frameworks (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alex Osterwalder.md|Alex Osterwalder]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Break your egocentric little scribbler’s heart to kill your darlings.md|Break your egocentric little scribbler’s heart to kill your darlings]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Honoré de Balzac.md|Honoré de Balzac]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Beware of overconcern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are.md|Beware of overconcern for money, or position, or glory. Someday you will meet a man who cares for none of these things. Then you will know how poor you are]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Chief Joseph.md|Chief Joseph]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Aidan Helfant.md|Aidan Helfant]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steven Wright.md|Steven Wright]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Publius Syrus.md|Publius Syrus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/PARA method.md|PARA method]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/How to take notes, and what to write down.md|How to take notes, and what to write down]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Art of the Start (book).md|The Art of the Start (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Romy Schneider.md|Romy Schneider]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert McKee.md|Robert McKee]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Erin Mikail Staples.md|Erin Mikail Staples]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.md|Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work (book).md|It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.md|As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/How We Learn (book).md|How We Learn (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/A long document is like an entire body, it contains many things, and it's hard to describe or explain. An atomic note is like a very small part of the body. It's much easier to describe and explain.md|A long document is like an entire body, it contains many things, and it's hard to describe or explain. An atomic note is like a very small part of the body. It's much easier to describe and explain]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Edgar Allan Poe.md|Edgar Allan Poe]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Kenyon Webster.md|David Kenyon Webster]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anthony de Mello.md|Anthony de Mello]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Logic.md|Logic]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Art Williams.md|Art Williams]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jenn Simpson.md|Jenn Simpson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Emile Zola.md|Emile Zola]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charlie Chaplin.md|Charlie Chaplin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Whenever a group of people have an unmet drive, a market will form to satisfy it.md|Whenever a group of people have an unmet drive, a market will form to satisfy it]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mary Anne Radmacher.md|Mary Anne Radmacher]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jim Morrison.md|Jim Morrison]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anne Scottlin.md|Anne Scottlin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/On Writing (book).md|On Writing (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stanley Kubrick.md|Stanley Kubrick]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Melvin Kranzberg.md|Melvin Kranzberg]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Aldous Huxley about life.md|Aldous Huxley about life]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henry Rollins.md|Henry Rollins]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/When you take notes and keep those isolated, they can never reach their full potential.md|When you take notes and keep those isolated, they can never reach their full potential]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Begin each day as if it were on purpose.md|Begin each day as if it were on purpose]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marilyn Monroe.md|Marilyn Monroe]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Frost.md|Robert Frost]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Deepak Chopra.md|Deepak Chopra]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anna Vital.md|Anna Vital]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Freedom (MoC).md|Freedom (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Two-year test.md|Two-year test]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henry, Nicholas L.md|Henry, Nicholas L]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character (book).md|Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman! Adventures of a Curious Character (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Simon Høiberg.md|Simon Høiberg]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Francis Bacon.md|Francis Bacon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dave Winer.md|Dave Winer]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Pierre Bourdieu.md|Pierre Bourdieu]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Isaac Asimov.md|Isaac Asimov]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Choose less and feel better.md|Choose less and feel better]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Khalil Gibran.md|Khalil Gibran]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Arthur Schopenhauer.md|Arthur Schopenhauer]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Willpower.md|Willpower]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Socrates.md|Socrates]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mary Poppendieck.md|Mary Poppendieck]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Martine Ellis.md|Martine Ellis]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Donald Rumsfeld.md|Donald Rumsfeld]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Luck (MoC).md|Luck (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/While negative emotions are good teachers, we can't change if our thinking and energy are impaired by too many negative emotions.md|While negative emotions are good teachers, we can't change if our thinking and energy are impaired by too many negative emotions]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ralph Waldo Emerson.md|Ralph Waldo Emerson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Judith May.md|Judith May]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jon Brosio.md|Jon Brosio]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Michael Jordan.md|Michael Jordan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicola Yoon.md|Nicola Yoon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Daniel Boorstin.md|Daniel Boorstin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bertrand Russel.md|Bertrand Russel]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Strategy of Conflict (book).md|The Strategy of Conflict (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Martin Fowler.md|Martin Fowler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Larry Ellison.md|Larry Ellison]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Matthew Guay.md|Matthew Guay]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anne-Laure Le Cunff.md|Anne-Laure Le Cunff]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/B. F. Skinner.md|B. F. Skinner]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Context switching (MoC).md|Context switching (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/How to Win Friends and Influence People (book).md|How to Win Friends and Influence People (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George Bernard Shaw.md|George Bernard Shaw]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Emmanuel Kant.md|Emmanuel Kant]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Critical thinking.md|Critical thinking]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Niklas Luhmann.md|Niklas Luhmann]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henri-Frédéric Amiel.md|Henri-Frédéric Amiel]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Colm Tóibín.md|Colm Tóibín]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Learn to Program (book).md|Learn to Program (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/What Is Life Anyway (book).md|What Is Life Anyway (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering (book).md|Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/The Schelling Point.md|The Schelling Point]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Faraaz Kazi.md|Faraaz Kazi]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Daniel Vassalo.md|Daniel Vassalo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Michael Seibel.md|Michael Seibel]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mahatma Gandhi.md|Mahatma Gandhi]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Justin Kruger.md|Justin Kruger]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/A mathematical equation and a written sentence have much in common.md|A mathematical equation and a written sentence have much in common]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Minimim Viable Productivity Toolkit (MVPT).md|Minimim Viable Productivity Toolkit (MVPT)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Primary emotions are basic and inviolable, just like the primary colors.md|Primary emotions are basic and inviolable, just like the primary colors]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Albert Einstein.md|Albert Einstein]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Bertrand Russel's advice.md|Bertrand Russel's advice]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Calmer Notes (book).md|Calmer Notes (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Russel L. Ackoff.md|Russel L. Ackoff]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Externalize, and centralize your knowledge. That's where it all begins.md|Externalize, and centralize your knowledge. That's where it all begins]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Franz Kafka.md|Franz Kafka]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rob Bell.md|Rob Bell]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joss Whedon.md|Joss Whedon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jack Kerouac.md|Jack Kerouac]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Atomic Habits (book).md|Atomic Habits (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The fact that some choice is good doesn’t necessarily mean that more choice is better.md|The fact that some choice is good doesn’t necessarily mean that more choice is better]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen Hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.md|Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen Hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jim Rohn.md|Jim Rohn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Coluche.md|Coluche]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (book).md|100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Foucault's Pendulum (book).md|Foucault's Pendulum (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Baden-Powell.md|Robert Baden-Powell]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Adam Grant.md|Adam Grant]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.md|And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Don Rickles.md|Don Rickles]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Adam Nathan.md|Adam Nathan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/​Maya Angelou.md|​Maya Angelou]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mother Teresa.md|Mother Teresa]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dale Carnegie.md|Dale Carnegie]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicole van der Hoeven.md|Nicole van der Hoeven]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Hoarding information without purpose will only lead to feeling overwhelmed. It won't help you reach your goals.md|Hoarding information without purpose will only lead to feeling overwhelmed. It won't help you reach your goals]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jim Palmer.md|Jim Palmer]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Career Renegade (book).md|Career Renegade (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Desmond Tutu.md|Desmond Tutu]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Margaret Wheatley.md|Margaret Wheatley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Derek Sivers.md|Derek Sivers]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bob Marley.md|Bob Marley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The War of Art (book).md|The War of Art (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tim Berners Lee.md|Tim Berners Lee]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bob Dylan.md|Bob Dylan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Arthur Koestler.md|Arthur Koestler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Questions we can use to explore how organized we currently are.md|Questions we can use to explore how organized we currently are]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Billy Donovan.md|Billy Donovan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/How to Live a Good Life (book).md|How to Live a Good Life (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Quentin Maillard.md|Quentin Maillard]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Mom Test (book).md|The Mom Test (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Augustine of Hippo.md|Augustine of Hippo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Buddha.md|Buddha]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nelson Mandela.md|Nelson Mandela]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tom DeMarco.md|Tom DeMarco]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE).md|Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ivo Velitchkov.md|Ivo Velitchkov]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Albert Camus.md|Albert Camus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bernard Maruch.md|Bernard Maruch]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rosie Sherry.md|Rosie Sherry]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow.md|Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying I will try again tomorrow]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Oliver Sacks.md|Oliver Sacks]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/T. S. Eliot.md|T. S. Eliot]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Zero to Sold (book).md|Zero to Sold (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/First You Write a Sentence (book).md|First You Write a Sentence (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Gall.md|John Gall]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leo Babauta.md|Leo Babauta]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Colter Reed.md|Colter Reed]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Greg Warman.md|Greg Warman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Getting Things Done (book).md|Getting Things Done (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Black Swan (book).md|The Black Swan (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/You can't easily move forward with a rain cloud from the past following you around.md|You can't easily move forward with a rain cloud from the past following you around]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Geoffrey Hinton.md|Geoffrey Hinton]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henry Ford.md|Henry Ford]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Clarity.md|Clarity]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The alternative to maximizing is to be a satisficer. To satisfice is to settle for something that is good enough and not worry about the possibility that there might be something better.md|The alternative to maximizing is to be a satisficer. To satisfice is to settle for something that is good enough and not worry about the possibility that there might be something better]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Justin Kan.md|Justin Kan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Annie Dillard.md|Annie Dillard]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Edgar Degas.md|Edgar Degas]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alexander Pushkin.md|Alexander Pushkin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leonard Cohen.md|Leonard Cohen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Thinking Fast and Slow (book).md|Thinking Fast and Slow (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Steinbeck.md|John Steinbeck]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jerome C. Glenn.md|Jerome C. Glenn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Warren Buffett.md|Warren Buffett]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Allen.md|David Allen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Audience building (MoC).md|Audience building (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sam Altman.md|Sam Altman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alfred Edward Newton.md|Alfred Edward Newton]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Addy Osmani.md|Addy Osmani]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Will Self.md|Will Self]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stephen Hawking.md|Stephen Hawking]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lana Del Rey.md|Lana Del Rey]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Power of Less (book).md|The Power of Less (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Thich Nhat Hanh.md|Thich Nhat Hanh]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Matt Giaro.md|Matt Giaro]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Liz Fosslien.md|Liz Fosslien]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.md|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hannah Wilson.md|Hannah Wilson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Omar Khayyam.md|Omar Khayyam]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Michael Polanyi.md|Michael Polanyi]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jim Kwik.md|Jim Kwik]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Remote (book).md|Remote (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paco Cantero.md|Paco Cantero]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Note-taking and note-making are complementary. Both have value.md|Note-taking and note-making are complementary. Both have value]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Art Of Memory (book).md|Art Of Memory (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Melvil Dewey.md|Melvil Dewey]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Big and hairy goals.md|Big and hairy goals]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rachel Ann Nunes.md|Rachel Ann Nunes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Niels Bohr.md|Niels Bohr]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up (book).md|The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/It's rare for knowledge to live in isolation. That's why connecting ideas is key for Personal Knowledge Management.md|It's rare for knowledge to live in isolation. That's why connecting ideas is key for Personal Knowledge Management]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jensen Huang.md|Jensen Huang]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bianca Pereira.md|Bianca Pereira]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Yoda.md|Yoda]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mark Twain.md|Mark Twain]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Elizabeth Butler.md|Elizabeth Butler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Madeleine L'Engle.md|Madeleine L'Engle]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George R.R. Martin.md|George R.R. Martin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Patricia Mou.md|Patricia Mou]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Carl Jung.md|Carl Jung]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dwidght D. Eisenhower.md|Dwidght D. Eisenhower]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dickie Bush.md|Dickie Bush]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Smart notes.md|Smart notes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Henry Miller.md|Henry Miller]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.md|Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Chris Pine (programmer).md|Chris Pine (programmer)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Butterflies in the stomach.md|Butterflies in the stomach]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Krystal Volney.md|Krystal Volney]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Francesco Cirillo.md|Francesco Cirillo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Art Gelwicks.md|Art Gelwicks]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Your motivation is the jet fuel for the journey of change.md|Your motivation is the jet fuel for the journey of change]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tiffany Madison.md|Tiffany Madison]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eleanor Roosevelt.md|Eleanor Roosevelt]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Eat That Frog! (book).md|Eat That Frog! (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lena Horne.md|Lena Horne]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Irvin D. Yalom.md|Irvin D. Yalom]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/First principle.md|First principle]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Martin Luther King.md|Martin Luther King]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Kurt Vonnegut.md|Kurt Vonnegut]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Justin Welsh.md|Justin Welsh]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Highlight of the day.md|Highlight of the day]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leo Buscaglia.md|Leo Buscaglia]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Kieran Drew.md|Kieran Drew]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frances Yates.md|Frances Yates]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Curse of knowledge.md|Curse of knowledge]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Use Atomic notes to better organize information, as well as enable creating more useful and more meaningful links.md|Use Atomic notes to better organize information, as well as enable creating more useful and more meaningful links]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Mind palace.md|Mind palace]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Muhammad Ali.md|Muhammad Ali]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leonardo Da Vinci.md|Leonardo Da Vinci]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Belief is the willingness to take irrevocable action.md|Belief is the willingness to take irrevocable action]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Miracle Morning (book).md|The Miracle Morning (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Theo Køppen.md|Theo Køppen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Vision board.md|Vision board]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Eric Simons.md|Eric Simons]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Peyton Manning.md|Peyton Manning]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Strive for simplicity and accept that your Knowledge base and Knowledge management system will forever be flawed.md|Strive for simplicity and accept that your Knowledge base and Knowledge management system will forever be flawed]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Brian Tracy.md|Brian Tracy]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Michael Hyatt.md|Michael Hyatt]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lisa McKay.md|Lisa McKay]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Earl Nightingale.md|Earl Nightingale]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Audrey Hepburn.md|Audrey Hepburn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Amara's Law.md|Amara's Law]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Arnault Morisson.md|Arnault Morisson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/People I've lost in my life inspire me to live fully every single day.md|People I've lost in my life inspire me to live fully every single day]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jack Canfield.md|Jack Canfield]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Art of Creative Thinking (book).md|The Art of Creative Thinking (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/The 5 core parts of a business.md|The 5 core parts of a business]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Journaling helps you not only expand your ideas, but also prevents you from losing the important ideas that you may want to act on in the future.md|Journaling helps you not only expand your ideas, but also prevents you from losing the important ideas that you may want to act on in the future]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Why We Sleep (book).md|Why We Sleep (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/William Shakespeare.md|William Shakespeare]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Founders at Work (book).md|Founders at Work (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steve Bryant.md|Steve Bryant]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Giambattista Vico.md|Giambattista Vico]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charles Francis Potter.md|Charles Francis Potter]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Tao Te Ching (book).md|Tao Te Ching (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/François Chollet.md|François Chollet]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Find Your Why (book).md|Find Your Why (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jerry Seinfeld.md|Jerry Seinfeld]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Attention economy.md|Attention economy]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Boldness is a stronger indicator of success than intelligence.md|Boldness is a stronger indicator of success than intelligence]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Wooden.md|John Wooden]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sigmund Freud.md|Sigmund Freud]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joseph M. Juran.md|Joseph M. Juran]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bryant McGill.md|Bryant McGill]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dalai Lama.md|Dalai Lama]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jack Butcher.md|Jack Butcher]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Body Keeps the Score (book).md|The Body Keeps the Score (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.md|Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The mistake is to assume that the way it feels at the moment is the way it will feel forever.md|The mistake is to assume that the way it feels at the moment is the way it will feel forever]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Laser Focus.md|Laser Focus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bobcat Goldthwait.md|Bobcat Goldthwait]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Categories are limiting.md|Categories are limiting]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The past is your friend. Focus on how it helps you go from here.md|The past is your friend. Focus on how it helps you go from here]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rumi.md|Rumi]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Doing something well does not make it important.md|Doing something well does not make it important]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/LATCH.md|LATCH]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Napoleon Hill.md|Napoleon Hill]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mike Bloomberg.md|Mike Bloomberg]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Karl Marx.md|Karl Marx]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charles Dickens.md|Charles Dickens]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sundar Pichai.md|Sundar Pichai]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charlie Bennett.md|Charlie Bennett]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Keanu Reeves.md|Keanu Reeves]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jeffrey Snover.md|Jeffrey Snover]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/J.R.R. Tolkien.md|J.R.R. Tolkien]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Instead of indiscriminately consuming content and doom scrolling, PKM teaches and enables you to be selective, focusing mainly on information that serves your objectives.md|Instead of indiscriminately consuming content and doom scrolling, PKM teaches and enables you to be selective, focusing mainly on information that serves your objectives]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/We are free to be the authors of our own lives, but we don't know what kind of lives we want to write.md|We are free to be the authors of our own lives, but we don't know what kind of lives we want to write]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Almanack of Naval Ravikant (book).md|The Almanack of Naval Ravikant (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stephen Fry.md|Stephen Fry]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lee Iacocca.md|Lee Iacocca]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charlie Munger.md|Charlie Munger]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Vision grid.md|Vision grid]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ricardo Semler.md|Ricardo Semler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dan Harmon.md|Dan Harmon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Greene.md|Robert Greene]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steve Maraboli.md|Steve Maraboli]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/It is much easier to create a valuable Knowledge Graph when you create atomic notes.md|It is much easier to create a valuable Knowledge Graph when you create atomic notes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Stand often in the company of dreamers. They tickle your common sense and believe you can achieve things which are impossible.md|Stand often in the company of dreamers. They tickle your common sense and believe you can achieve things which are impossible]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Simone de Beauvoir.md|Simone de Beauvoir]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Noah Kagan.md|Noah Kagan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Max Ehrmann.md|Max Ehrmann]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ivy Lee.md|Ivy Lee]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Gödel Escher Bach (book).md|Gödel Escher Bach (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paisios of Mount Athos.md|Paisios of Mount Athos]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ayn Rand.md|Ayn Rand]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Cathedral and the Bazaar (book).md|The Cathedral and the Bazaar (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marshall McLuhan.md|Marshall McLuhan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leo Tolstoy.md|Leo Tolstoy]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Seth Godin.md|Seth Godin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The weekly review is the master key to your productivity.md|The weekly review is the master key to your productivity]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tibo Louis-Lucas.md|Tibo Louis-Lucas]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sheng Yen.md|Sheng Yen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Douglas Engelbart.md|Douglas Engelbart]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dorothy Parker.md|Dorothy Parker]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marc Andreessen.md|Marc Andreessen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dante.md|Dante]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make big choices in life.md|Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make big choices in life]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/James Gleick.md|James Gleick]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hannah Heinson.md|Hannah Heinson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/33.05 Quotes.md|33.05 Quotes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Barack Obama.md|Barack Obama]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rudyard Kipling.md|Rudyard Kipling]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jon Gordon.md|Jon Gordon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Focus on what makes you happy, and do what gives meaning to your life.md|Focus on what makes you happy, and do what gives meaning to your life]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Change is not a straight line to the finish. It's a winding road.md|Change is not a straight line to the finish. It's a winding road]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Fyodor Dostoevsky.md|Fyodor Dostoevsky]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Edmund Burke.md|Edmund Burke]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Chuck Swindoll.md|Chuck Swindoll]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Unless your goal is to have fun, avoid hoarding information without purpose. Be intentional.md|Unless your goal is to have fun, avoid hoarding information without purpose. Be intentional]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Blink (book).md|Blink (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nat Eliason.md|Nat Eliason]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Note-making is different from note-taking. But both are complementary.md|Note-making is different from note-taking. But both are complementary]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Art Inc (book).md|Art Inc (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ursula K Le Guin.md|Ursula K Le Guin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Margaret Mead.md|Margaret Mead]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Katharine Hepburn.md|Katharine Hepburn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Angela Yvonne Davis.md|Angela Yvonne Davis]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/You want the notes you take to live on, and join your knowledge base forever.md|You want the notes you take to live on, and join your knowledge base forever]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marvin Swift.md|Marvin Swift]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ken Poirot.md|Ken Poirot]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Danny Hatcher.md|Danny Hatcher]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Contrary to long documents, atomic notes are concise, and focus on a single idea or concept.md|Contrary to long documents, atomic notes are concise, and focus on a single idea or concept]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Abraham Maslow.md|Abraham Maslow]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sahil Bloom.md|Sahil Bloom]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Friedrich Nietzsche.md|Friedrich Nietzsche]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frederick Douglass.md|Frederick Douglass]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/Note-taking is all about capturing information from the outside world, while note-making is about expressing ourselves.md|Note-taking is all about capturing information from the outside world, while note-making is about expressing ourselves]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Milan Zeleny.md|Milan Zeleny]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Gretton.md|John Gretton]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anthony Castrio.md|Anthony Castrio]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Marcus Aurelius.md|Marcus Aurelius]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Write Useful Books (book).md|Write Useful Books (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Time blocking.md|Time blocking]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Joel A. Barker.md|Joel A. Barker]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Stephen R. Covey.md|Stephen R. Covey]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Oscar Wilde.md|Oscar Wilde]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/How to Take Smart Notes (book).md|How to Take Smart Notes (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Mental models.md|Mental models]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Personal Knowledge (book).md|Personal Knowledge (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Misko Hevery.md|Misko Hevery]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leslie Lamport.md|Leslie Lamport]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Mental Health (MoC).md|Mental Health (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Zero to One (book).md|Zero to One (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Brault.md|Robert Brault]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Audre Lorde.md|Audre Lorde]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alan Watts.md|Alan Watts]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Cage.md|John Cage]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Andrew Hunt.md|Andrew Hunt]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lisa Congdon.md|Lisa Congdon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George Silverman.md|George Silverman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ray Dalio.md|Ray Dalio]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Mythical Man-Month (book).md|The Mythical Man-Month (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Larry Prusaks.md|Larry Prusaks]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Cognitive bias.md|Cognitive bias]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Second brain parts.md|Second brain parts]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hunter S. Thompson.md|Hunter S. Thompson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Terri Guillemets.md|Terri Guillemets]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nick Milo.md|Nick Milo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Outliers (book).md|Outliers (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Benjamin Franklin.md|Benjamin Franklin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Roy T. Bennett.md|Roy T. Bennett]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Sometimes having a simple idea that your company can execute perfectly is better than having a grandiose idea that your company can't.md|Sometimes having a simple idea that your company can execute perfectly is better than having a grandiose idea that your company can't]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Richard Branson.md|Richard Branson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Defensive Design for the Web (book).md|Defensive Design for the Web (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/T.E. Lawrence.md|T.E. Lawrence]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steven Johnson.md|Steven Johnson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frank Herbert.md|Frank Herbert]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ryan Florence.md|Ryan Florence]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jordan Peterson.md|Jordan Peterson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Harry S. Truman.md|Harry S. Truman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/To learn something, make it painful to not learn.md|To learn something, make it painful to not learn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/We are surrounded by modern, time-saving devices, but we never seem to have enough time.md|We are surrounded by modern, time-saving devices, but we never seem to have enough time]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Aaron Swartz.md|Aaron Swartz]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charles Bukowski.md|Charles Bukowski]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Get going, then get good.md|Get going, then get good]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jonathan Fields.md|Jonathan Fields]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The narrative fallacy addresses our limited ability to look at sequences of facts without weaving an explanation into them, or, equivalently, forcing a logical link, an arrow of relationship upon them.md|The narrative fallacy addresses our limited ability to look at sequences of facts without weaving an explanation into them, or, equivalently, forcing a logical link, an arrow of relationship upon them]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alan Cohen.md|Alan Cohen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Arvid Kahl.md|Arvid Kahl]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/All knowledge is ultimately a matter of faith.md|All knowledge is ultimately a matter of faith]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mike Haertel.md|Mike Haertel]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Benefits of atomic notes.md|Benefits of atomic notes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Building a Second Brain (book).md|Building a Second Brain (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hans Christian Andersen.md|Hans Christian Andersen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Beauty will save the world.md|Beauty will save the world]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Nicholas L. Henry.md|Nicholas L. Henry]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Brad Frost.md|Brad Frost]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Steal Like An Artist (book).md|Steal Like An Artist (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Atomic notes.md|Atomic notes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jennifer Rowley.md|Jennifer Rowley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Karen Salmansohn.md|Karen Salmansohn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Karen Lamb.md|Karen Lamb]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/J. Sterling.md|J. Sterling]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.md|Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Larry Page.md|Larry Page]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mark Manson.md|Mark Manson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Zig Ziglar.md|Zig Ziglar]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Guy Kawasaki.md|Guy Kawasaki]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Bloated meetings waste time. We need better norms.md|Bloated meetings waste time. We need better norms]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Neil Strauss.md|Neil Strauss]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed.md|The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jean Piaget.md|Jean Piaget]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rachel Wolchin.md|Rachel Wolchin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/William James.md|William James]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Christine Porath.md|Christine Porath]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Martha Beck.md|Martha Beck]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gemma Correll.md|Gemma Correll]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Black holes are where God divided by zero.md|Black holes are where God divided by zero]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Heraclitus.md|Heraclitus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Douglas Adams.md|Douglas Adams]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/How to Read a Book (book).md|How to Read a Book (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Uncertainty (book).md|Uncertainty (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ido Portal.md|Ido Portal]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Empathy.md|Empathy]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Basho.md|Basho]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Harlan Cleveland.md|Harlan Cleveland]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Wheeler.md|David Wheeler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Bruce Lee.md|Bruce Lee]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anne Lamott.md|Anne Lamott]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Merlin Mann.md|Merlin Mann]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Cortex Futura.md|Cortex Futura]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Stumbling on Happiness (book).md|Stumbling on Happiness (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Voltaire.md|Voltaire]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Pico Lyer.md|Pico Lyer]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Our brain hallucinates all the time to fill-in the blanks.md|Our brain hallucinates all the time to fill-in the blanks]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Leonardo DiCaprio.md|Leonardo DiCaprio]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/F. Matthias Alexander.md|F. Matthias Alexander]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Psychology of Money (book).md|The Psychology of Money (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alan Kay.md|Alan Kay]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Wanda Sykes.md|Wanda Sykes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frank Smith.md|Frank Smith]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Prefrontal cortex (PFC).md|Prefrontal cortex (PFC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Gratitude.md|Gratitude]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/William Ford Gibson.md|William Ford Gibson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tony Gaskins.md|Tony Gaskins]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Bootstrapping a business means saying no to the non-essential things. Your resources are limited, so you have to prioritize the actions and choices that have the most impact.md|Bootstrapping a business means saying no to the non-essential things. Your resources are limited, so you have to prioritize the actions and choices that have the most impact]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dave Cutler.md|Dave Cutler]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/If you're serious about growth, think about processes.md|If you're serious about growth, think about processes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Rich Dad Poor Dad (book).md|Rich Dad Poor Dad (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/H.P. Lovecraft.md|H.P. Lovecraft]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Because paper has more patience than people.md|Because paper has more patience than people]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The PARA Method (book).md|The PARA Method (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Danielle LaPorte.md|Danielle LaPorte]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/August Bradley.md|August Bradley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Vicky Zhao.md|Vicky Zhao]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Theodore Roosevelt.md|Theodore Roosevelt]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Denis Waitley.md|Denis Waitley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Alejandro Josorowski.md|Alejandro Josorowski]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Personal MBA (book).md|The Personal MBA (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Do the Work (book).md|Do the Work (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Brendon Burchard.md|Brendon Burchard]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Blaise Pascal.md|Blaise Pascal]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Discipline (MoC).md|Discipline (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Information Anxiety (book).md|Information Anxiety (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gretchen Rubin.md|Gretchen Rubin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Erica Schneider.md|Erica Schneider]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Archimedes.md|Archimedes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/A great artist with a bad system can be beaten by a mediocre artist with a good one.md|A great artist with a bad system can be beaten by a mediocre artist with a good one]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/We have a tendency to look around at what others are doing and use them as a standard of comparison.md|We have a tendency to look around at what others are doing and use them as a standard of comparison]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Felix Dennis.md|Felix Dennis]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Rules.md|Rules]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Murat İldan.md|Murat İldan]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dave Gray.md|Dave Gray]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert Heinlein.md|Robert Heinlein]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ernest Hemingway.md|Ernest Hemingway]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/How I Organize My Work As a Solo Founder.md|How I Organize My Work As a Solo Founder]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Vervaeke.md|John Vervaeke]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Strategies for closing open loops.md|Strategies for closing open loops]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tim Denning.md|Tim Denning]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/René Descartes.md|René Descartes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Embedded Entrepreneur (book).md|The Embedded Entrepreneur (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/When people reflect regularly on what their positive future selves will look like, they are more likely to make choices in their long-term interest rather than shortsighted ones.md|When people reflect regularly on what their positive future selves will look like, they are more likely to make choices in their long-term interest rather than shortsighted ones]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Being poor is not having too little, it is wanting more.md|Being poor is not having too little, it is wanting more]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Greg McKeown.md|Greg McKeown]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again.md|At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Leverage (MoC).md|Leverage (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/There will always be reasons to do nothing and talk yourself out of moving forward in life.md|There will always be reasons to do nothing and talk yourself out of moving forward in life]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Diane Ackerman.md|Diane Ackerman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Framework Finder GPT.md|Framework Finder GPT]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Vilfredo Pareto.md|Vilfredo Pareto]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Liz Murray.md|Liz Murray]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/James Chisholm.md|James Chisholm]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Walter Winchell.md|Walter Winchell]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Georges Danton.md|Georges Danton]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Art and Business of Online Writing (book).md|The Art and Business of Online Writing (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/ReWork (book).md|ReWork (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Yogi Berra.md|Yogi Berra]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anne Frank.md|Anne Frank]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Education (MoC).md|Education (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gary Halbert.md|Gary Halbert]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Doug Rozen.md|Doug Rozen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Sam Harris.md|Sam Harris]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Virgil Abloh.md|Virgil Abloh]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Gérard Honoré.md|Gérard Honoré]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/How I manage books and summaries in Obsidian.md|How I manage books and summaries in Obsidian]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Failing Forward (book).md|Failing Forward (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jon Kabat-Zinn.md|Jon Kabat-Zinn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Physiology of Taste (book).md|The Physiology of Taste (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Groucho Marx.md|Groucho Marx]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Edwin Ray Guthrie.md|Edwin Ray Guthrie]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Elon Musk.md|Elon Musk]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Daniel Gilbert.md|Daniel Gilbert]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Minimalist Entrepreneur (book).md|The Minimalist Entrepreneur (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Rainer Maria Rilke.md|Rainer Maria Rilke]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Long-distance relationships.md|Long-distance relationships]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dan Koe.md|Dan Koe]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Germany Kent.md|Germany Kent]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Processes (MoC).md|Processes (MoC)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jennifer Cohen.md|Jennifer Cohen]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Yann LeCun.md|Yann LeCun]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lisa Crispin.md|Lisa Crispin]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jonathan Swift.md|Jonathan Swift]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Daymond John.md|Daymond John]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Cleese.md|John Cleese]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Evelyn Chapman.md|Evelyn Chapman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Atlas Shrugged (book).md|Atlas Shrugged (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The 4-Hour Work Week (book).md|The 4-Hour Work Week (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Thomas Erickson.md|Thomas Erickson]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves.md|To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paul Graham.md|Paul Graham]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Charles Kettering.md|Charles Kettering]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Winston S. Churchill.md|Winston S. Churchill]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steve Jobs.md|Steve Jobs]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Ansel Adams.md|Ansel Adams]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Seneca.md|Seneca]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/32.02 Content.md|32.02 Content]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Peopleware (book).md|Peopleware (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Creating a clear vision of your ideal destination is an important early and ongoing step for your journey.md|Creating a clear vision of your ideal destination is an important early and ongoing step for your journey]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/An omelette, promised in two minutes, may appear to be progressing nicely. But when it has not set in two minutes, the customer has two choices. Wait or eat it raw.md|An omelette, promised in two minutes, may appear to be progressing nicely. But when it has not set in two minutes, the customer has two choices. Wait or eat it raw]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Shane Parrish.md|Shane Parrish]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Lex Fridman.md|Lex Fridman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dodinsky.md|Dodinsky]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Motivation.md|Motivation]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/You should always know WHY you capture some piece of information and add it to your PKM system.md|You should always know WHY you capture some piece of information and add it to your PKM system]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Thibaut Lopes.md|Thibaut Lopes]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Archilochus.md|Archilochus]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Unfortunately, the proliferation of choice in our lives robs us of the opportunity to decide for ourselves just how important any given decision is.md|Unfortunately, the proliferation of choice in our lives robs us of the opportunity to decide for ourselves just how important any given decision is]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Aldous Huxley about ego.md|Aldous Huxley about ego]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Lennon.md|John Lennon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The secret to happiness is low expectations.md|The secret to happiness is low expectations]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Steph Ango.md|Steph Ango]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Obstacle Is the Way (book).md|The Obstacle Is the Way (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Galileo Galilei.md|Galileo Galilei]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Hecato.md|Hecato]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/When you are learning, note-taking helps capturing what matters. When you are expressing yourself, note-making is the way.md|When you are learning, note-taking helps capturing what matters. When you are expressing yourself, note-making is the way]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Thomas Edison.md|Thomas Edison]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Matt d'Avella.md|Matt d'Avella]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Frank Zappa.md|Frank Zappa]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Andy Matuschak.md|Andy Matuschak]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.07 Short stories/33.07 Short stories.md|33.07 Short stories]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Victor Hugo.md|Victor Hugo]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Paul Krugman.md|Paul Krugman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/L. R. Knost.md|L. R. Knost]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/34 MOCs/Comparisons.md|Comparisons]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/The Tipping Point (book).md|The Tipping Point (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/John Dewey.md|John Dewey]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Jack London.md|Jack London]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Dan Millman.md|Dan Millman]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/You need a capture system.md|You need a capture system]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Robert H. Schuller.md|Robert H. Schuller]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/George Orwell.md|George Orwell]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Company of One (book).md|Company of One (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/David Perell.md|David Perell]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The response to losses is stronger than the response to gains.md|The response to losses is stronger than the response to gains]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Mandy Hale.md|Mandy Hale]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Herb Simon.md|Herb Simon]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/C. JoyBell C.md|C. JoyBell C]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Aristotle.md|Aristotle]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/Your Money or Your Life (book).md|Your Money or Your Life (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Viktor Frankl.md|Viktor Frankl]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Tom Steyer.md|Tom Steyer]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.03 Book notes/An Introduction to General Systems Thinking (book).md|An Introduction to General Systems Thinking (book)]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.md|Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Information is everywhere. Insight is what you keep.md|Information is everywhere. Insight is what you keep]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.md|Uncertainty is the refuge of hope]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.md|Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/As a lifelong learner, entrepreneurship is like a drug. There's a never-ending list of skills to acquire, and new things to learn.md|As a lifelong learner, entrepreneurship is like a drug. There's a never-ending list of skills to acquire, and new things to learn]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.md|In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Forcing function.md|Forcing function]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Life should not be a journey to the grave.md|Life should not be a journey to the grave]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers.md|Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires but according to our powers]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/There's no right time, just time, and what you choose to do with it. Don't wait for the perfect moment, make it count.md|There's no right time, just time, and what you choose to do with it. Don't wait for the perfect moment, make it count]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/36 People/Simon Wardley.md|Simon Wardley]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Simple scales. Fancy fails.md|Simple scales. Fancy fails]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.md|Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts]] - 2024-07-06: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/To know yourself is the beginning of wisdom.md|To know yourself is the beginning of wisdom]] - 2024-06-28: [[30 Areas/36 People/Anton Chekhov.md|Anton Chekhov]] - 2024-06-28: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Business is like a marathon. The longer you stick around, the less crowded it gets.md|Business is like a marathon. The longer you stick around, the less crowded it gets]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Procrastination in disguise.md|Procrastination in disguise]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Get Your Shit Together (GYST).md|Get Your Shit Together (GYST)]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Literature notes.md|Literature notes]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The problem with chasing perfection is that you end up paralyzed by indecision The only work that gets done is the work you’re already good at and you avoid risks, which means you avoid growth.md|The problem with chasing perfection is that you end up paralyzed by indecision The only work that gets done is the work you’re already good at and you avoid risks, which means you avoid growth]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Don’t sell at the highest price they’ll pay. Sell at the highest price they’ll stick.md|Don’t sell at the highest price they’ll pay. Sell at the highest price they’ll stick]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Simple doesn't mean easy.md|Simple doesn't mean easy]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/When failing isn’t an option, you never do, because you never stop.md|When failing isn’t an option, you never do, because you never stop]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/You don't find what you're passionate about. You create it. You build it. You invest energy into a goal. You become great at something. You stick with it whether you feel like it or not.md|You don't find what you're passionate about. You create it. You build it. You invest energy into a goal. You become great at something. You stick with it whether you feel like it or not]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Permanent notes.md|Permanent notes]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Theory behind the PARA method.md|Theory behind the PARA method]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Zen Productivity.md|Zen Productivity]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Periodic reviews.md|Periodic reviews]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Productivity is not so much about throughput, but rather about consistency.md|Productivity is not so much about throughput, but rather about consistency]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Fleeting notes.md|Fleeting notes]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Generalists are experts in the big picture.md|Generalists are experts in the big picture]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/I believe that personal knowledge management is self-care on a fundamental level.md|I believe that personal knowledge management is self-care on a fundamental level]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Benefits of journaling.md|Benefits of journaling]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Optionality is power.md|Optionality is power]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Priorities are enablers for efficiency.md|Priorities are enablers for efficiency]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Financial independence.md|Financial independence]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Always Be Working (ABW).md|Always Be Working (ABW)]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/The benefit of PARA is the homogeneity of the system across platforms and apps. That is, having a single mental model for everything.md|The benefit of PARA is the homogeneity of the system across platforms and apps. That is, having a single mental model for everything]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Tips to say no.md|Tips to say no]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/What are templates.md|What are templates]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Freedom is the ability to live life in a prison of your own making, rather than someone else's.md|Freedom is the ability to live life in a prison of your own making, rather than someone else's]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Overton window.md|Overton window]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Personal Knowledge Management Process.md|Personal Knowledge Management Process]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Consistent execution is powerful.md|Consistent execution is powerful]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Set ambitious goals, but allow yourself a limited number of emergency passes when you slip up.md|Set ambitious goals, but allow yourself a limited number of emergency passes when you slip up]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The highest form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning and say, I can do whatever I want today.md|The highest form of wealth is the ability to wake up every morning and say, I can do whatever I want today]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Our brains evolve all the time.md|Our brains evolve all the time]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Broken record technique.md|Broken record technique]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.05 Quotes/A few time blocks a day keep the stressful times away.md|A few time blocks a day keep the stressful times away]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/PKM systems act as external brains with a reliable memory.md|PKM systems act as external brains with a reliable memory]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Exponential growth.md|Exponential growth]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Win-Win method.md|Win-Win method]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Evergreen notes.md|Evergreen notes]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Projects aren’t rigid plans, they’re experiments. Not every project will succeed, but each one teaches you something. The purpose of project management is to learn and adapt, not to stick to a fixed plan.md|Projects aren’t rigid plans, they’re experiments. Not every project will succeed, but each one teaches you something. The purpose of project management is to learn and adapt, not to stick to a fixed plan]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Our emotions are what makes us human.md|Our emotions are what makes us human]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Our memories are incomplete, subjective, and fragmented.md|Our memories are incomplete, subjective, and fragmented]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Text expanders.md|Text expanders]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Weekly review process.md|Weekly review process]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Big persistence compensates for bad timing. Because if you stay at it long enough, it’ll eventually be the right time. And when it is, while everyone is trying to time it. You’ll have been ready for years.md|Big persistence compensates for bad timing. Because if you stay at it long enough, it’ll eventually be the right time. And when it is, while everyone is trying to time it. You’ll have been ready for years]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS).md|Personal Knowledge Management System (PKMS)]] - 2024-06-27: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Overview of my PKM System.md|Overview of my PKM System]] - 2024-06-24: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Y Combinator.md|Y Combinator]] - 2024-06-24: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Persistence is key.md|Persistence is key]] - 2024-06-24: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Decide what you want, and do not stop.md|Decide what you want, and do not stop]] - 2024-06-22: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Master productivity by taking action. Master creativity by creating regularly. Master perfectionism by embracing imperfection. Experience teaches what theory cannot.md|Master productivity by taking action. Master creativity by creating regularly. Master perfectionism by embracing imperfection. Experience teaches what theory cannot]] - 2024-06-22: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/There is a big difference between being interested in something and being committed to something. Committed people do what interested people won’t.md|There is a big difference between being interested in something and being committed to something. Committed people do what interested people won’t]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.02 Content/Work on your list of why's.md|Work on your list of why's]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/The habitus is not only a structuring structure, which organizes practices and the perception of practices, but also a structured structure.md|The habitus is not only a structuring structure, which organizes practices and the perception of practices, but also a structured structure]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Directed attention.md|Directed attention]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/The difference and connection between data analysis and data science.md|The difference and connection between data analysis and data science]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/The agony behind writing.md|The agony behind writing]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Intrinsic motivation.md|Intrinsic motivation]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/33 Permanent notes/33.02 Content/Invest in your relationship capital.md|Invest in your relationship capital]] - 2024-06-21: [[30 Areas/32 Literature notes/32.05 Quotes/Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.md|Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow]]